When you receive a donation, your donor needs a receipt and it's best practice to acknowledge you received their donation and thank them for their contribution!ย
The following steps will show you how to print a letter and receipt for your donor, to be mailed at a later time.
Method:Donor provides stock templates for receipts and emails, which are set up in your App preferences. It is highly recommended you set up those preferences before you use this app.
After you have logged your donation, or if you are viewing your donation, you will see a number of buttons at the bottom of the New Donation screen:
Select Print Letter & Receipt. which will take you to the Donation Letter Editor screen (if your preferences are set up), which looks like this (depending upon the template you saved in your App preferences):
Feel free to edit the text on this screen. Your edits only affects the text, but not how the letter looks.
The way your letter and receipt looks is based on the stock templates we've included in Method:Donor. If you want to create your own letter and receipt templates, you must use Method's Report Designer tool, but please note this is an advanced tool not recommended for new users.
When you are satisfied, click Generate Letter. This opens a pop up of the PDF of the letter and the receipt.
NOTE: If a new window does not appear, pop-ups may be blocked. Pop-ups MUST be enabled for Method:Donor on your browser, or the letter will not appear.
From the pop up screen, you must print or download the PDF to print later. The PDF link created will expire within 5 to 10 minutes. Do not use the link itself, because it is only available for a short period of time.
You are then returned to your Method:Donor dashboard. If you view the existing donation, the Donation Notes section is updated to indicate that you have printed a thank you letter and receipt for this donor.ย
If, for some reason, your donor does not receive the letter and/or receipt in the mail, you can re-print it at any time by following these steps again.