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QuickBooks Desktop Sync Conflicts

How to troubleshoot sync conflicts

Updated over a month ago

NOTE: For our Method Classic users, please see our article in the Classic Help Center.

Viewing Sync conflicts

The Sync conflict page can be accessed by going to your Profile icon → Integrations → QuickBooks Sync → View conflicts.

NOTE: This link will only appear if there is a sync conflict.

This will take you to the Sync conflicts page:

There are two main filter views, which will offer different button options for selected records in the grid.

  • General Conflicts: All the conflicts where records attempting to sync are not accepted by Quickbooks.

    • Retry Sync: Retry syncing selected records to QuickBooks.

    • Delete from Method: Delete selected records from Method.

    • Refetch from QuickBooks: Restore selected records from QuickBooks.

    • Clear / Clear all: Clear the sync conflict grid, however, the conflicts themselves will not be resolved and may come back on the next sync.

  • Missing from QuickBooks: Records no longer found in QuickBooks.

    • Delete / Delete All: Remove selected records from Method.

    • Restore in QuickBooks: Forefully restore selected record back into QuickBooks.

In addition to those two filter views, there will also be views to further filter by table if there are conflicts for those tables. In the below example, I have filtered the list to only show my sync conflicts with the SalesOrder table.

NOTE: Retry sync and Restore in QuickBooks button will be disabled if the sync is disable.

Common Sync conflicts

The following list some QuickBooks Desktop sync conflicts our users have encountered and those documented by our Support Team.

NOTE: If the number of conflicts you have for one table is equal to or greater than 50, the sync will stop for that table.

For example, if you have 50 conflicts during a payment, the sync will stop and the sync engine will warn you that there are too many conflicts for Payments to proceed further.

Method doesn't allow for a 5-line address block

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a [transaction] record. The error was: There was an error when composing an address in "". QuickBooks error message: There is not enough address lines to compose the address. Please rearrange the individual fields, so that they can fit in the 5-lines block.

QuickBooks API doesn't allow for a 5-line block address. Therefore, when you add it in Method, it gets rejected by QuickBooks.

In order to fix this issue, please use a 4-line block to add an address to avoid running into issues.

Invalid Character in Price

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a [transaction] record. The error was: There was an error when converting the price "[amount]" in the field "item cost". QuickBooks error message: This field contains an invalid character.

This conflict occurs because your computer's decimal symbol is currently set to a comma as opposed to a period, and your QuickBooks version uses a period as the decimal system.

To fix this problem:

  1. On your local Windows computer, where your QuickBooks is installed, open up the Region settings in Windows.

  2. Under the Formats tab, click the [ Additional settings... ] button.

  3. Under the Numbers tab, update the Decimal symbol field from , (comma) to . (period).

  4. Click the Currencty tab, and update the Decimal symbol field from , (comma) to . (period).

  5. Click the [ Apply ] button and close your settings.

Duplicate Customer

QuickBooks returned an error when adding a [Customer/Vendor/Employee] record. A record with the name [Name] already exists in QuickBooks. If this record was accidentally duplicated, please delete the duplicate.

This conflict normally occurs when a customer already exists in QuickBooks. To fix this, you can rename the duplicate so that it has a unique name (and then merge it if need be), or delete one of the records.

To delete a customer record:

  • Find and select the customer in the Contacts App.

  • Click Edit beside Customer Details.

  • At the bottom of this screen, select Delete to delete the customer and associated contacts.

Sales order cannot be manually closed

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accSalesOrder record. The error was "The transaction "is manually closed" field has an invalid value of 1." QuickBooks error message: The sales order transaction is already fully invoiced.

This QuickBooks Desktop conflict occurs when a sales order has been fully invoiced, but it has still been marked to be manually closed. If you encounter this conflict, this is what you'll see:

This conflict is triggered because QuickBooks rejects any attempt to close a sales order twice, which is what happens if Closed is still checked on a sales order. Clearing this conflict is very simple; here's how to do it!

  1. Open up your Sales Orders App.

  2. Use the list to locate the sales order that generated the conflict. Once you find the sales order, click on it to open its details.

  3. Uncheck the checkbox marked Closed.

  4. Click Save to save the sales order.

An invoice could not be synced as it is in use in QuickBooks

An Invoice for [Customer] could not be synced as it is in use in QuickBooks. Please verify that no one else is working on the same Invoice in QuickBooks and try to sync again.

When someone in QuickBooks is editing an invoice, it is locked from being edited by other QuickBooks users, as well as locked from being synced by Method.

Once the invoice is no longer locked, syncing will occur. However, which edit will take priority?

This is determined by the Sync Resolution which you have specified in your QuickBooks Sync Preferences.

An estimate could not be synced as it is in use in QuickBooks

An Estimate for [Customer] could not be synced as it is in use in QuickBooks. Please verify that no one else is working on the same Estimate in QuickBooks and try to sync again.

When someone in QuickBooks is editing an estimate, it is locked from being edited by other QuickBooks users, as well as locked from being synced by Method.

Once the estimate is no longer locked, syncing will occur. However, which edit will take priority?

This is determined by the Sync Resolution which you have specified in your QuickBooks Sync Preferences.

A payment associated with an invoice could not be synced - Missing

A Payment associated with an Invoice (with ref number: [InvoiceRefNumber]) for [Customer] could not be synced. This is because the Invoice could not be located in QuickBooks. Please ensure that the Invoice does not have any sync conflicts and then try again.

The occurs if there is a payment for an invoice, but the invoice isn't in QuickBooks Desktop.

There are a few reasons why an invoice has not synced to QuickBooks Desktop:

  • Method Sync Engine isn't running

  • Invoice has been flagged to not sync .

  • A conflict exists for the invoice.

Once the invoice has successfully synced to QuickBooks from Method, the payment should sync as well.

A payment associated with an invoice could not be synced - Paid

A Payment associated with an Invoice (with ref number: [InvoiceRefNumber]) for [Customer] could not be synced. The invoice has either already been paid in full, or could not be found.

This QuickBooks Desktop conflict occurs when Method tries to post a payment to an invoice that either:

  1. can't be found, or

  2. has already been paid in full via another payment record.

There are a few ways this conflict can be triggered:

  • The payment was created in both Method:CRM and QuickBooks while the sync was not running. When Method:CRM tries to sync the payment to QuickBooks, it finds a duplicate payment!

Note: This is the most common way this conflict is triggered.

  • The payment was created in Method:CRM and linked to the appropriate transaction, but was not synced with QuickBooks. The transaction was then deleted, but the payment remains.

  • Faulty customization attempted to pay a transaction that was already fully paid.

Note: This issue applies only to Method:CRM accounts that have been customized. For more help with customization, please contact a Business Solutions Specialist.

In order to fix this conflict, the user will have to determine whether the payment record is a duplicate, or whether the invoice balance has already been paid. If the payment record can safely be deleted, you can delete the conflict in your Sync Conflicts screen (which you can access by going to Preferences > QuickBooks > Sync Conflicts).

Note: It is important that you do not delete any payment records until you manually check to make sure it is definitely a duplicate. Deleting records in Method:CRM cannot be undone.

The Item cannot be deleted as it has already been used in transactions

The item, [Name], cannot be deleted as it has already been used in transactions. If this item is rarely used, consider making it inactive in order to hide it from your item list. If you do wish to delete this item, try deleting the transactions related to this item in QuickBooks. To restore this item to Method:CRM, click on 'Refetch from QuickBooks'.

As indicated in the error message, the item cannot be deleted because it is being used in a transaction.

Before you can delete the item, you must delete the transaction first. However, if you tried to delete the item first and it isn't in Method, you will need to restore it.

In order to restore the item to Method:

  • From your Profile menu in the upper right, select Integrations.

  • Select QuickBooks Sync.

  • Under Sync Conflicts, select View Sync Conflicts().

  • Select the conflict in the grid.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Refetch from QuickBooks.

NOTE: If Refetch from QuickBooks is not available, try changing the filter view to General Conflicts.

An Estimate could not be synced as the customer has not yet been synced

An Estimate for [Customer] could not be synced to QuickBooks as [Customer] has not yet been synced to QuickBooks. Please ensure that there are no sync conflicts for this customer.

This conflict can occur if there is a sync conflict with the customer. Please resolve the conflict with the customer first and then their transactions will be able to sync.

An Estimate could not be synced to QuickBooks as no customer has been selected

An Estimate dated [Transaction Date] could not be synced to QuickBooks as no customer has been selected in Method. Please select a customer and try to sync again.

This conflict can occur if the customer does not exist or hasn't been chosen for the transaction. Choose a customer for this transaction within Method and try the sync again.

Field Value is longer than the character limit

[Customer/Vendor/Employee], [Name], could not be synced with QuickBooks as the value [string] that was entered for [field] is longer than the character limit set by QuickBooks. Please try to shorten this value in Method and try again.

This conflict occurs if the value entered for a particular field is longer than the character limit allowed by QuickBooks.

Here is a list of common fields and their lengths:

  • Company Name - 41

  • Name - 41

  • First Name - 25

  • Last Name - 25

  • Contact - 41

  • Phone - 21

  • Email - 1023

  • Any Bill Address field - 41

  • Any Ship Address field - 41

A Payment could not be synced as it does not have any associated invoices

A Payment for [Customer] could not be synced to QuickBooks as it does not have any associated Invoices. Please create an Invoice to link to this Payment and try to sync again.

This conflict occurs if a payment does not have an associated invoice.

To learn more about creating payments, please refer to Process a payment.

LinkToTxn field has an invalid value

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accBill record. The error was: The "LinkToTxn" field has an invalid value "TxnID=XXXXX-XXXXXXX, TxnLineID=XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX".

This conflict occurs when the order of the line items differ between a Purchase Order and an Item Receipt.

In the below example, the items are listed in a different order:

To fix this conflict, whatever order you issue your POs, you need to create your item receipts in the same order. Any deviation from that order on the item receipt and you'll get a conflict message.

Invoice can't sync without a Sales Order

The Invoice with RecordID 'XX' cannot be sent to QuickBooks because one of its line items references the Sales Order Line with the RecordID 'XX' which has not yet been sent to QuickBooks.

This conflict occurs if an invoice created from a sales order is trying to sync to QuickBooks, however, the sales order hasn't synced yet.

To fix this conflict, sync the sales order first and then try the invoice again.

QuickBooks Pro does not have Sales Orders

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accSalesOrder record. The error was : Missing posting account.

Customer is using QuickBooks Pro. Since QuickBooks Pro does not have any sales order, a conflict occurs when trying to sync sales order. The resolution is to upgrade from PRO to Premier or Enterprise.

An Invoice could not be synced due to a invalid field

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accInvoice record. The error was: Object "XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX" specified in the request cannot be found. . The Request was:  YYYYYYYY-YYYYYYYYYYXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX2011-05-18Greg XXX1 Birch CresXXXXXX0...

This conflict occurs if data entered is incorrect or no longer exists. In order to find out what was incorrectly entered, look at the Object ID mentioned within the error. In the above example, it will be of the format XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX, i.e. "8000003E-1298053553". Further within the error message, you will find the same Object ID surround by the tags . This means the issue is mostly likely related to the ARAccount selected for the invoice.

To fix this issue, fix the entry within the field.

A transaction cannot sync due to an item in conflict

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a [Transaction] record. The error was: There was an error when saving a [Transaction]. QuickBooks error message: You have no items or one or more of your amounts is not associated with an item. Please enter an item.

Generally this kind of conflicts occur when the Item mentioned in the transaction is also sitting under conflicts.

To fix this conflict, verify each item within the transaction is not sitting under conflicts. If it is, resolve the conflict to sync the transaction.

Sales order set to closed is set to close again

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accSalesOrder record. The error was: The "transaction IsManuallyClosed" field has an invalid value "1". QuickBooks error message: The sales order transaction is already fully invoiced.

This QuickBooks Desktop conflict occurs when a sales order has been fully invoiced, but it has still been marked to be manually closed. QuickBooks rejects any attempt to close a sales order twice, which is what happens if Closed is still checked on a sales order. Clearing this conflict is very simple; here's how to do it.

  1. Navigate to your Sales Orders App and click on the Existing Sales Orders List.

  2. Use the list to locate the sales order that generated the conflict. Once you find the sales order, click on it to open its details.

  3. Uncheck the checkbox marked Closed.

  4. Click Save to save the sales order.

Invoice lines have not been synced yet

The Invoice with RecordID 'XX' cannot be sent to QuickBooks because one of its line items references the Sales Order Line with the RecordID 'XX' which has not yet been sent to QuickBooks.

This conflict occurs when a transactions line item is still waiting to sync to Method.

To fix this error, first make sure all line items are showing up in QuickBooks.

Invoice missing sales order

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accInvoice record. The error was: The "LinkToTxn" field has an invalid value "TxnID=XX-XXXXXXXXXX, TxnLineID=XX-XXXXXXXXXX".

This conflict can occur when a sales order set to Wait for Sync approval is manually closed, but the invoice created from the sales order attempts to sync to QuickBooks.

To fix this:

  1. Open up the closed sales order.

  2. Uncheck the closed checkbox in the sales order.

  3. Save the sales order.

Non-Inventory Items used in assemblies /purchased for specific job

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accItem record. The error was: There was an error when modifying a ItemNonInventory. Cannot use SalesAndPurchaseMod aggregate when the item is not reimbursable.

This conflict shows up if you modify a Non-Inventory item to have True value for Used in assemblies / purchased for specific job Check Box. In short, if you tick the Checkbox for Used in assemblies / purchased for specific job after creating a Non-Inventory Item, it throws a Conflict.

This can be fixed by re-fetching the conflict.

Line items with blank item name value

You have no items or one or more of your amounts is not associated with an item. Please enter an item.

This conflict references line items on a transaction grid that do not have item names nor descriptions. Method does not alone a completely blank line on transaction grids. To resolve this, either:

  • Delete the blank line item.

  • Add an item name or description to the item.

NOTE: If you only add a description to the line item, you will not be able to set an amount or tax value. Method will not sync a description-only line item if it has tax or an amount.

Accountant reviewing books, cannot modify items

GeneralError (DeleteListRecordFromServer - 1: Cannot delete the object specified by the id = XX. You cannot delete, sort or inactivate list items since your Accountant is currently reviewing your books using the Accountant's Copy.)

When a QuickBooks file is being reviewed by an accountant, Method will not allow any syncs to complete. The reason for this is to avoid the possibility of altering data after it has been reviewed, resulting in inaccuracies.

This conflict can only be resolved after the accountant is done reviewing; syncs following this will complete successfully.

Site cannot be set on a non-inventory lineitem

There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks XX Site "XX" in the XX line. QuickBooks error message: Site cannot be set on non-inventory lineitem

This conflict occurs when you're trying to assign a Site to a lineitem that isn't a type that can have Site field filled in. To resolve this, find the line item that has a Site set but is a non-inventory item type (eg. if the line item type is of Discount item type, then they cannot have a Site).

This conflict can only be resolved after the accountant is done reviewing; syncs following this will complete successfully.

Parents are re-assigned for customer jobs

There was an error when modifying a Customers list, element “80000754-1529488483”. QuickBooks error message: Unknown Error.

This conflicts occurs when you re-assign parents of a customer job in Method, but the customer job has transactions associated with them.

QuickBooks does not allow a parent to be re-assigned if invoices or payments are linked to the customer job record.

Revert the parent record in Method to match QuickBooks to resolve the sync conflicts.

Error when adding or modifying a Sales Order

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accSalesOrder record. The error was: The item "XXXXXXXXXX" cannot be used in this line item. It does not have the correct type.

When customer is using "SalesTaxGroup" item as a line item on any transaction. It will not sync to QuickBooks and end up in conflict.

Resolution: Do not use the item type "SalesTaxGroup" in the Sales Order.

Conflict on Purchase order Sync due to Invalid CC email

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accPurchaseOrder record. The error was: There was an error when saving a PurchaseOrder. QuickBooks error message: The Cc email address specified for this customer is invalid, and the transaction is marked 'To be e-mailed'.

Resolution (2 options):

  1. In QuickBooks, edit the vendor for whom the error is for. Ensure their CC email field is correct (error usually occurs if in an invalid format). Save the vendor with a correct CC email field and retry syncing this record.

  2. Uncheck mark "To be emailed" option in Method. If that works, Save and retry sync.

“ReceivePaymentAppliedToTxn” Sync Conflict

The ReceivePayment RecordID '##' or RefNumber 'XXXXX' for Customer "ABC" could not be added, since the associated accReceivePaymentAppliedToTxn table does not have a transaction record associated with it.

In some rare cases, a Receive Payment transaction isn't linked to an invoice.


  1. Select the conflict in the grid.

  2. Click the link to Go to Record in the Payments app.

  3. You will be taken to the Payments app to the payment in question. Make a note of the total payment amount and all invoice numbers listed at the bottom of the page. In the list of invoices at the bottom of the page, click on the invoice.

  4. In the following page, select “Delete”, and confirm by clicking “OK” in the popup window.

  5. Repeat this for every invoice in the list. Select and delete each of them.

  6. Once all the invoices are removed, the amount blanks out, so add the amount back in.

  7. Click the Select Invoice to Pay button and add in the invoices you removed.

  8. Click Save in the Payment page.

  9. Retry syncing with QuickBooks and the conflict should be resolved

Error when saving a TimeTracking record

QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accTimeTracking record. The error was: There was an error when saving TimeTracking. QuickBooks error message: This employee is set to have activities transferred to paychecks. Activities for this employee must have a payroll item.

If QuickBooks desktop is enabled to use time tracking entries for payroll (Use time data to create paychecks is enabled), then you must also enable Is personal data access allowed? in QuickBooks Desktop.

This allows Method to see the appropriate settings and avoid sending the time entries into conflict.

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