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Report Designer Fonts

What fonts you can use in Report Designer.

Updated over a week ago

When designing reports, the Method Report Designer will install its components onto your local computer. While previewing the report through the designer, it will be generated using your local system’s fonts

While using Method, however, the report is actually using the Report Designer’s components within the Method servers. This means that only the fonts available on the Method server will print on the report

If you design a report using a font not listed below (one that is only available on your local computer), it will not show on the printed report within Method.

Note: If you wish to use the MICR font, it is available on the Method Server. To design a report using this font, please see MICR Fonts.

Available fonts within Method:

  • Aharoni

  • Andalus

  • Angsana New

  • AngsanaUPC

  • Arabic Typesetting

  • Arial

  • Arial Black

  • Batang

  • BatangChe

  • Browallia New

  • BrowalliaUPC

  • Calibri

  • Cambria

  • Cambria Math

  • Candara

  • Comic Sans MS  (But don't use it, I beg of you)

  • Consolas

  • Constantia

  • Corbel

  • Cordia New

  • CordiaUPC

  • Courier New

  • DaunPenh

  • David

  • DFKai-SB

  • DilleniaUPC

  • DokChampa

  • Dotum

  • DotumChe

  • Estrangelo Edessa

  • EucrosiaUPC

  • Euphemia

  • FangSong

  • Franklin Gothic Medium

  • FrankRuehl

  • FreesiaUPC

  • Gautami Georgia

  • Gisha

  • Gulim

  • GulimChe

  • Gungsuh

  • GungsuhChe

  • Impact

  • IrisUPC

  • Iskoola Pota

  • JasmineUPC

  • KaiTi

  • Kalinga

  • Kartika

  • KodchiangUPC

  • Latha

  • Leelawadee

  • Levenim MT

  • LilyUPC

  • Lucida Console

  • Lucida Sans Unicode

  • Malgun Gothic

  • Mangal

  • Marlett

  • Meiryo

  • Microsoft Himalaya

  • Microsoft JhengHei

  • Microsoft Sans Serif

  • Microsoft Uighur

  • Microsoft YaHei

  • Microsoft Yi Baiti

  • MingLiU

  • MingLiU-ExtB

  • MingLiU_HKSCS

  • MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB

  • Miriam

  • Miriam Fixed

  • Mongolian Baiti

  • MoolBoran

  • MS Gothic

  • MS Mincho

  • MS PGothic

  • MS PMincho

  • MS UI Gothic

  • MV Boli

  • Narkisim

  • NSimSun

  • Nyala

  • Palatino Linotype

  • Plantagenet Cherokee

  • PMingLiUP

  • MingLiU-ExtB

  • Raavi

  • Rod

  • Segoe Print

  • Segoe Script

  • Segoe UI

  • Shruti

  • SimHei

  • Simplified Arabic

  • Simplified Arabic Fixed

  • SimSun

  • SimSun-ExtB

  • Sylfaen

  • Symbol

  • Tahoma

  • Times New Roman

  • Traditional Arabic

  • Trebuchet MS

  • Tunga

  • Verdana

  • Vrinda

  • Webdings

  • Wingdings 

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