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Create / Edit a Lead Source

Add or Edit Lead Source Dropdown Options

Updated over a week ago

A lead source is, literally, where your lead came from.

Keeping track of where your leads originate is a good way to gauge the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, trade shows, and other ways your business reaches out to potential customers.

There are several lead sources available in the stock version of Method:

  • Advertisement

  • Employee Referral

  • External Referral

  • Other

  • Partner 

  • Public Relations 

  • Seminar - Internal 

  • Seminar - External 

  • Trade Show 

  • Web

But the whole point of Method is to tailor your CRM experience to your business practices, so we’ve included an option to create a new lead source.

Creating and Editing Lead Sources

The following steps will show you how to create a lead source. You can edit a lead source as well, but since the process is the same we will walk you through creating one only.

Note: It's a Method best practice not to edit the existing options, but you can create your own very easily.

Currently, the only way to view the Lead Source is by editing or adding a new Customer Lead.

  1. Click ⊕ New on the Contacts App or click ⊕ New Contact from your Contacts List.

  2. Make sure Lead is selected for type of contact. 

  3. Expand the Lead Source dropdown. Within the dropdown, click the New / Edit Lead Source link.

  4. This opens your Lead Source List screen. Click ⊕ New Lead Source

  5. This opens your New / Edit Lead Source screen. Choose a descriptive and unique name for your lead source.

  6. 6. When you’re all done, click Save & Back.  This lead source will now be available throughout Method.

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