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Create a Class

How to create a class in Method.

Updated over a year ago

Classes allow you to categorize your transactions. The following steps will show you how to create a new class in Method's Classes App:

  1. From your Method dashboard, click โŠ• New on your Classes App, or click โŠ• New Class on your Classes List screen.ย 

  2. This opens the New / Edit Classes screen.

    • Name*: Assign a unique and descriptive Name to your class.

    • Class is Active?: If checked, this makes the class available in dropdowns.

    • Subclass Of?: If checked, you can create a parent for this class.

      • Parent dropdown only shows up if Subclass Of is checked. Assign a parent class, if applicable.

  3. Click Save & New to save the class and start a new one, or click Save & Back to save and return to the Classes List.

Note: Sub classes are typically used to categorize specific kinds of services or products. For example, a landscaping company may wish to differentiate between Maintenance and Installation under their Labor class.

And you're done! You've successfully created a new class.

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