When you click Send to MailChimp, your contacts will be added to the MailChimp list (audience) and an email will be sent to you with a summary of the export. This email will inform you when a contact is not sent.
This article will cover common problems you may have when importing contacts into an Audience within MailChimp.
Send To MailChimp Button Does Nothing
If you do not get the above email, and no contacts are added to your MailChimp Audience, try creating a brand new Audience within MailChimp and use this new list to export to.
Alternatively, it could be the name of your Audience has special characters in it, such as commas, periods, or dashes. Try to remove any special characters in your list name and sending again.
To do this:
Log into Mailchimp.
Click Audience.
On the right, expand Manage Audience and then select Settings.
And under Settings, click Audience name and defaults.
Change the name and remove any special characters. Once done, scroll down and hit Save Audience And Campaign Defaults button.
Try sending again in Method by refreshing and reselecting the Audience that no longer has special characters.
Method has filtered the contact
Method will not a send a contact to MailChimp if:
The contact has a missing or invalid email address.
Currently, at this time, there is no way to override this filter.
MailChimp has rejected the contact
There are a few reasons why MailChimp will not accept a contact, and this mirrors the same import errors you would get if you were importing contacts directly in MailChimp.
Email was already in the Audience
Email have syntax errors
Emails were either invalid or role-based (addresses assigned to a role as opposed to a person, for example: info@email.com, noreply@email.com, webmaster@email.com, etc)
Method is not showing all MailChimp Audiences
If you possess more than ten Audiences in MailChimp, you may have noticed that Method is not displaying them all. The reason for this is because MailChimp only allows third-party integrations to sync with ten lists at a time.
Method will display the ten in order of creation. To show new Audiences in Method, you will need to remove existing ones in MailChimp until there are less than ten. The next Audience you create after doing this will then be visible in Method.
Tags created in Method not importing to MailChimp
When Method imports data into MailChimp, the sync process searches for the required fields to insert the data into. Tags in MailChimp are only used for internal list organization and can only be accessed via the user interface. This means that third-party integrations do not have access to the tags field for data imports.