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Outlook Email Gadget FAQ
Updated over a week ago

Questions about Installation and Supported Clients

Q: How much does the Outlook Email Gadget cost?

A: The gadget itself is free to install and use. 

Q: How can I check if my Outlook client supports add-ins?

A: Please see this article from Microsoft: How to check if your Outlook client supports add-ins.

Q: Is the Outlook Email Gadget available on a mobile device?

A: Unfortunately, the Outlook Email Gadget is not available on mobile apps.

Q: How do I confirm my email address has access to a supported email provider?

A: If you can sign in to Office 365 or (sign in here) your email address is supported. 

Q: Is Exchange On-Premise supported?

A: No. However, Exchange 2016 On-Premise does meet the minimum requirements for the Outlook API and should work (previous versions of Exchange do not meet the minimum API requirements and will not work).  Customers are welcome to try using the Outlook Email Gadget with Exchange 2016 On-Premise but, at this time, no support is offered by Method.

Q: How do I install an Add-in for Outlook for Mac 2016?

A: Please see this article from Microsoft: Get an Office Add-in for Outlook.

Q: Will this work for Outlook's Centralized Deployment for Outlook add-ins?

A: At the moment, we do not see any issue with using Centralized Deployment for Outlook add-ins. For more information, please refer to Microsoft's article on this: "Centralized Deployment for Outlook add-ins will now be available in preview".

Questions about the Outlook Email Gadget

Q: Do we have plans to support additional apps?

A: YES! Our intention is to launch with the essentials and collect feedback from Staff, Partners, and Customers about what they would like to see there.

Q: Why can’t we edit transactions inside of the Outlook Email Gadget?

A: We did not feel confident that it would be a positive experience to the end user with our current toolset. This workflow will be reinvestigated as newer features are fully implemented.

Q: Are there preferred browsers?  

A: Yes, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge provide a better user experience.  There are a number of known issues with Internet Explorer 11.

Q: Can you change the company or account that is currently associated to email address?  

A: Yes, click the gear in the gadget, select Preferences, click Reset in the General setting and select the desired option.

Questions on using the Outlook Email Gadget

Q: Does the gadget support both customers and customer leads?

A: Yes, when a contact is displayed in the email gadget, it will indicate their status as a customer or customer lead on both the contacts list as well as when viewing the contact profile.

Q: What happens if the same contact email is found multiple times in Method?

A: The gadget will indicate multiple contacts were found on the search screen allowing the user to select the appropriate one.

Questions on Customizing the Outlook Email Gadget

Q: Can you customize the screens on the gadget?

A: Almost every screen available in the gadget is customizable from your Method Account. Only two screens are not available for customization:

  • Search Contact

  • New Contact

Q: How do I know which screen to edit? 

The screens are located in the apps they’re represented as. 

For example: The invoice list is located in the invoices app. 

In order to help make customization a little bit easier, every screen used inside of the Outlook Email Gadget is prefixed with “Email -”. 

For example: "Email - Invoice List".

Known Issues

Q: The gadget doesn't work on Internet Explorer 11. 

Try adding as a trusted site in Internet Explorer. 

IE 11 intermittently prevents Cookies from being saved (Cookies are required for the gadget to function). However, there are other possible issues with Internet Explorer 11; it is not a recommended browser for the gadget. 

Q: The button is disabled on the Sign-in page.

If you click the Sign-in button on the Method Sign-in screen in error (you entered the wrong password or didn’t enter a username, etc) and the button becomes disabled you can reload the page to get the button back

Q: For the Outlook Desktop App, POP and IMAP won't work.

When configuring the client, the user must choose an Exchange, Office, or account type. If the client is configured to connect with POP3 or IMAP, add-ins will not load.

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