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Sales Tax Group Item Type

Description of the Sales Tax Group Item Type

Updated over 9 months ago

This option allows you to calculate two or more sales tax items expressed as a single item. This means the group of sales tax items is expressed as a single number on your line item grid when you select this item from the drop down list. Keep in mind this list can't be altered within the line item grid, so it's a good idea to create sales tax group items for specific customers or orders that require multiple tax items applied to them.

Note: This item is available in QuickBooks Desktop only.

To add this as an item, you will need to add a new item within the Items app, and choose Sales Tax Group. If you do not see the Items app, you will need to get access permission for this app from your administrator. The Items app is found in the Accounting Lists Pack.

Sales Tax Group Item Details

When you select Sales Tax Group, you'll be taken to the New / Edit Sales Tax Group screen. The fields are described below.

  • Item Name/Number*: Identify the tax group by name or by number.

  • Description: Add details about the tax group in this writable field that aren't covered by other fields on this screen.

  • Add Item: See below (Sales Tax Item List).

  • Available for reorders: Allow your customer to reorder this item. (Not visible unless Reorders are enabled in the Opportunities App preferences).

Sales Tax Item List

Because you’re using this item to group sales tax items together, there is a List at the bottom of the screen that details which sales tax items are included. 

You can add new tax items to this group by clicking ⊕ Add Item. You can also edit the items by selecting them on the grid. In doing so, you'll be taken to a new screen, Group or Assembly Item, to edit these items.

When you have added your individual items to the group item, the individual items you added will only be displayed within the group item itself. 

But on the main List Items screen, the Sales Tax Group item (containing these individual tax items) will be displayed as a single record.

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