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Mission 3 - 6: Redundancy
Updated over a week ago

In the previous mission, we added in field validation to our New Car screen. In fact, it looks pretty complete.

Depending on what kind of app you’re running, choosing to run an app on a mobile device means you might end up doing a lot of scrolling to get to the top or bottom of a given screen. 

Since we want our app to be user-friendly, Method best practice says you should include a redundant Save button at the top of the screen so a mobile user doesn’t have to scroll all the way to the bottom just to save a record.

Adding a Second Save Link

1. Customize the New Car screen.

2. Select the top secNav and click the Cols ⊕ icon to add a column.

3. Select the new column (on the right) and change the alignment of the cell to Top Right.

4. Next, drag a Text object into this cell, and change the text to "Save".

Note: You’ll notice Method automatically calls this object “Save1” on the canvas. That’s because you already have another text object called “Save” on this screen, so it’s designed to help you keep track of which is which. Don’t worry; it will still show up as “Save” in the published version of the screen (you can switch to Preview mode to check if you don’t believe us!)

5. Within the Save1 text object, check the checkbox Show icon, then find and select the Save icon.

6. Underneath Style, change the Text Color to Primary.

Note: This new Save object is meant to perform the exact same actions as the other save object on this screen. Do you remember how we told the object to do the actions of another control? It's the Call Routine action.

7. Select down arrow of the new Save1 object and select the Click event.

8. Search for and add Call Routine.

9. For Select An Action Set choose Save (Click).

10. Add an Internal Note: "Do the actions of the bottom save button".

11. Close the Action Editor and then close Design Mode.

Now the top Save link will act just like the bottom Save button because it's calling the same actions. It should look like the image below:

The great thing is, if you need to alter how the save works, you just have to change the bottom Save button.

Coming up next...

We've added functionality to the links on the New Car screen. It's time to do the same to the Car List screen.

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