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Mission 3 - 7: Car List Screen
Updated over a week ago

In the previous mission, we added functionality to the controls on the New Car screen.

In this mission, we are going to do the same thing to the Cars List, so a lot of this will be reinforcing things you learned from the last missions.

Update the Back Link on the Cars List Screen

1. Customize the Cars List  screen.

2. Select the down arrow ( ▼ ) on the Back object and choose its Click event.

3. Search for and add the Go To Screen Action.

4. For Navigate to, select “Back (Browser history)”.

5. For After Navigation, make sure “Keep This Screen in Currently Open List” is selected. This will keep the screen open in the Currently Open list, meaning you can easily navigate back to it if you want to.

6. Type in Internal Note: “Browser back”.

7. Close the Action Editor.

Update ⊕ New Car Link

1. Go into Edit the Click event for the New Car link.

2. Search for and add the Go To Screen action.

3. Within the Go To Screen action, for Navigate to, search for and select the Cars App.

4. Another dropdown pops up for the screen, so select New Car screen.

5. For Set a screen Active Record ID, select Clear Screen.

6. For After navigation, make sure “Keep This Screen in Currently Open List” is selected.

7. For Internal Notes: “New Car screen”.

8. Close the Action Editor and then close Design Mode.

Great! Two new functional objects on your Car List screen!

Coming up next...

Believe it or not, we still need to do more work on the New Car screen, but before we do that, we will introduce you to how screen versioning works.

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