All transaction print templates are created using the Web Report Designer. If you made changes to a template, you can copy that transaction to another Method account.
NOTE: You need to be an Admin in order to access the Web Report Designer in your Method account.
Click the upper-right Profile icon and then clicking Account Settings.
Scroll down and find and click Reports & Print Templates.
Search for the template you want to copy to another account. In the below example, we created a customized estimate we want to copy.
Click the vertical ellipsis [
] beside the template you wish to copy, and then select Copy to an account.This will bring up a new pop up to fill. Once you fill in the appropriate fields, click Create copy.
Once you click Create copy, Method will copy it over to the other account. This may take a minute or so. However, when complete, it will show the following success screen.
From here, you can go to the account by clicking Go to account and you're done.