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Edit an Existing Activity

How to change the details of an existing activity

Updated over 3 months ago

The following steps will show you how to edit an activity in the Method Activities App.

Note: It is best practice to not change the start date of an activity. If you would like to change the activity to have a different start date, close the activity and create a new one.

Edit a Single Activity

  1. On the Method dashboard, click Due Now on your Activities App

  2. This opens your Activity List showing only your activities that are due as indicated by the filter view. If you don't see your activity, it may not be due and you will need to change this filter view.

  3. Search the list manually for the activity you’d like to edit, or use the search function to locate it. 

  4. Click the activity to open the Edit Activity screen, which displays all the information you input when you originally saved this activity. 

  5. This screen has the same details as the New Activity screen. Change the information in any of the fields and schedule a follow-up in the same way you did on the New Activity screen. 

  6. Click Save to save your changes.

The changes you've implemented will now be viewable by all users with access, wherever this activity appears. This includes the calendar and in any cases or opportunities linked to this activity.

Edit Multiple Activities

You can edit multiple activities in bulk with the Update Activities button, viewable when viewing your list of activities within the Activities App.

Within the Activities, select one or more activities you wish to edit with the checkbox.

Once selected click the Update Activities button. This will take you to a new screen.

On this screen, for all the activities you've selected, you will be able to:

  • Update start date: Shift activities to a new date/time while keeping their original length.

  • Reassign to: Reassign activities in bulk to make handoffs smoother.

  • Update status: Update progress or mark multiple activities as done.

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