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Create an Activity

Track your interactions with your contacts by using the Activities App.

Updated over a week ago

An activity logs contact interactions like phone calls, emails and in-person meetings. This keeps an accurate and detailed history of your business relationship with that contact. Activities are tracked within the Activities App.

Note: An activity is associated with a contact, not a customer. Customers are associated with transactions. For more information on the difference between contacts and customers, please see our article What is a Contact?

There are a number of ways you can create a new activity, including but not limited to:

  • The Dashboard on the Activities App

  • The Activity List screen

  • The View Contact Screen

  • The Opportunity Screen

This example will look at creating an activity from Method's dashboard.

Create and Assign an Activity

  1. Click ⊕ New on your Activities app.

  2. When the New Activity screen opens, choose a contact if not already selected. This will populate the phone and email fields related to the contact.

  3. Include Comments on your activity to provide context. This will also show up in later for follow-ups.

  4. Assign Tags to this activity if applicable.

  5. Below the comments are a number of fields to fill in:

  • Assigned To*: Assign a Method user to this activity. By default, this will be the user currently signed in.

  • Type*: There are a number of interaction types for you to choose from. You can also create your own interaction types by clicking New / Edit Activity Type.

  • Status*: The status indicates the progress of the activity. You can create your own statuses by clicking New / Edit Activity Status.

  • Start Date & Time* and End Date & Time: When the activity starts and ends. The End Date & Time field only appears if appropriate, e.g., a meeting.

  • Attachments: Attach a file to this activity.

  • Related Case: Relating this activity to a case will have this activity show up in the case's app ribbons.

  • Related Opportunity: Relating this activity to an opportunity will have this activity show up in the opportunity's app ribbons.

  • Attachments: Files can be attached to this activity. The file will, however, only be accessible from this activity.

  • Frequency: Selecting the pencil icon allows you to set this activity up as a recurring activity. For more information, please see our article on Recurring Activities.

  • Notify Assigned To: The user assigned will receive a notification email when you save the activity.

  • Create a Follow-up Activity: If you would like to schedule a follow-up activity, this checkbox will expand a section to fill in the information for the follow-up. See Schedule a follow-up for more information.

Activity Buttons

At the bottom of the activity are buttons to save, email, and delete.

  • Delete: Delete the activity.

  • Email Contact: You can choose to create and send an email when you save this activity. Checking this option will take you to the Send Email screen after you Save. When you send an email in this way, the details of that email will be associated and viewable with this activity.

  • Save & Back []: Save the activity and return back to the previous screen.

    • [] - Complete & Back: Complete the activity and return to the previous screen.

    • [] - Save: Save the activity.

    • [] - Save & New: Save the activity and clear the screen to input a new activity.

When you save your activity, it will be viewable in the Activity List. Notification emails will be sent at this time.

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