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App Settings - General

General settings when managing an app

Updated over a week ago

The General settings of the app allows you to set up how the app appears and behaves on the dashboard. The main menu consists of several options. The ' * ' designates a field which is required.

  • Icon*: the icon to represent your app chosen from a list of icons.

  • App Name*: name that appears on the app in the dashboard.

  • Description: the descriptive text that appears on the app in the dashboard.

  • Base Table*: as we mentioned in the Database section, every app requires a base table for default configurations like app ribbons. For example, if you are configuring the Invoice App, it would make sense to use the Invoice table as your base table.

Keep in mind, the process of creating a new app includes creating your first screen. That first screen will draw from the base table you chose for your app. 

Other screens in the app, however, can be based on different tables (you choose the screen’s table as part of the screen creation process). Method assumes at least one of your screens will use the base table for the app, so we assign this table automatically for the first screen.

NOTE: Why would you want to use different tables for other screens? Think of the Activities app. It obviously has screens to edit an activity, however, there are also screens to edit the Activity Status and the Activity Types, which both use different tables.

Next on the list are default screens.

  • Starting Screen*: the screen that will load first when you open your app. In the Screens settings section, the starting screen is denoted by a Star icon in the top-right corner of the screen tile. 

  • Screen for User preferences: currently not being used.

  • Screen for Viewing Records: currently not being used.

  • Screen for New records: currently not being used.

  • Name of a Single Record: Related to Record Summary, define how a single record is named.

  • Name for Multiple Records: Related to Record Summary, define how a group of records are named.

Settings are not saved until the Save button is clicked.

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