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Convert a Sales Order to an Invoice

How to convert a sales order into an invoice in Method.

Updated over 11 months ago

Note: QuickBooks Online currently does not support sales orders, even though Method does. Thus, if you create a sales order in Method, this will not sync to QuickBooks. However, if you create an invoice from this sales order, the invoice will sync as usual.

Once you have created your sales order and confirmed the details with your customer, you can create an invoice based on the information in the sales order. 

Thankfully Method lets you do just that with a simple wizard tool.

Create an Invoice from a Sales Order

  1. Click the Sales Orders App. 

  2. This opens the Sales Order List screen. Locate the sales order you wish to create to an invoice from and click on it. You can search manually or use the search function at the top of the screen.

  3. Scroll down and expand Create [ ∨ ] and then click Create Invoice

  4. You're prompted to follow three steps as well as choosing an Accounts Receivable Account.

  5. First, check off all the line items you want to include on this invoice.

    Note: Sales orders can also include items you don’t want to show on the invoice – for example, materials you ordered for the job that are built into the final balance, but the customer doesn’t need to see.

  6. Next, click Create Invoice to open the New/Edit Invoice screen. 

  7. From here, you can make any edits or additions as you would if you were creating an invoice from scratch, only now, the line items and customer information you included in the sales order are auto-filled! For more information on how to complete your invoice, see our article Creating an Invoice.

The sales order you just converted is still saved in the Sales Orders App. This record-keeping helps you maintain the trail of breadcrumbs that make up a business transaction!

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