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Opportunity App Preferences

Preferences for the opportunity app in Method.

Updated over a week ago

The Opportunities Preferences screen can be accessed from your dashboard by clicking on the vertical ellipsis [] on your Opportunities App and selecting Preferences

This will take you to the Opportunities Preferences Screen, which is broken up into two parts.


In the General preferences, there are two default settings you can set:

  • Email Notification Template: When an opportunity is created, if you've assigned it to a different Method user, you're given the option to send an email notification to that user. This allows you to set the email template for the notification email. To create your own, check out Create a basic email template

  • Default Opportunity Stage: The default stage for the opportunity when first created.

Order Requests

Customers can submit order requests from previous invoices via the Portal. This needs to be enabled in the Order Requests preferences.

  • Enable Reorders for Invoices: If enabled, customers can submit order requests to repurchase items from all past invoices via the customer portal.

  • Enable Reorders for Sales Receipts: If enabled, customers can submit order requests to repurchase items from all past sales receipts via the customer portal.

If either of the above is enabled, Advanced Settings will be shown and can be expanded to set more defaults:

  • Back-up Order Request Assignee: The Method user who will receive Order Request Notification Emails when a new Order Request is submitted via the Customer Portal. This user will also receive Order Request Notification Emails, in the event that no user is assigned to the contact who submitted the Order Request.

  • Order Request Email Notification Template: The email template used for notifying Method Users when an Order Request is submitted. By default, Order Request Notification Emails will be sent to the Method User assigned to the contact who submitted the Order Request via the Customer Portal. If you would like to add additional users to be notified, you can do so by editing the email template to add more recipients

  • Order Request Rejection Email Template: The email template used for notifying customers when an Order Request is rejected.

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