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Reorder previously purchased items

One-click reorders within the customer portal.

Updated over 2 months ago

Within the customer portal, your customers can create a reorder request for previously ordered items. Most items can be made available for reorderable if they have been included on an invoice or sales receipt.

Once a reorder is requested from your customer, an opportunity is immediately created and you will get a notification in your email inbox to approve or reject it within the Opportunities App.

NOTE: In order to use the Reorder feature, it must be enabled in the Opportunities App preferences.

Customer Creates a Reorder Request

Within their customer portal, a customer can initiate a request by clicking New which is available on the Home screen within Reorder Request.

This will take the customer to the New Reorder Request screen. Here, they can select items to reorder from a list of previously ordered items.

NOTE: If the item does not appear, or they cannot add a previously ordered item, then the item itself needs to be made β€˜Available for Reorder’ in the Opportunity Preferences or the Items app itself.

Once they click Add Items, the screen will update and they can update the quantities and add any additional comments.

When satisfied, they can click Submit Order Request, and they will get a confirmation box that their order was sent successfully.

The status on their Reorder Request will change to Pending.

Customer Views Pending Reorder Requests

At any point in time, a customer can come back to their customer portal, and view their pending reorder requests. This can be initiated by clicking Reorder Requests on the portal Home.

This will take them to a screen where they can view their reorders based on status: Pending, Accepted and Declined. Clicking a reorder in the grid will take them directly to their reorder request.

Method User Approves Reorder

Once a reorder is requested from your customer, an opportunity is immediately created and you will get a notification in your email inbox to approve or reject it within the Reorders tab of the Opportunities App.

Selecting it will take you to the Reorder Opportunity itself. On the screen, you will find information about who and what items are being requested. There is also a Customer Comment field that may have additional notes about the request.

NOTE: All requested items will show on this grid, whether inventory is sufficient or not).

At the bottom of the screen, are the following buttons:

  • Email Contact: Get in touch with the contact before accepting or modifying the reorder request.

  • Save: Save any changes made to the reorder.

  • Decline: This will send the request to a declined status (here and on the customer portal) and prompt you to send the customer a notification email.

  • Accept & Create: This allows you to accept the request by creating the transaction from the request (Estimate, Sales Order, Invoice, Sales Receipt and Work Order). Once the transaction is generated the status of the request will update to Accepted and the transaction will be associated with the Reorder Opportunity.

Once the transaction is generated you may update the items and details, then email your customer via the transaction to inform them that the reorder was approved.

They can return to their portal to see the newly created transaction in their list of transactions.

Method User Rejects Reorder

When the reorder is entered in by the customer, a Method User will receive a notification email and find the order within their Opportunities App as described in the previous section.

If, after viewing the Opportunity, you wish to reject the reorder, you can click the Decline button at the bottom of the screen.

This will update the status of the Reorder Request to Declined and it will move to the Declined list on the customers portal.

You will also see a message asking if you would like to send the Reorder Request Declined Email (that was specified in the opportunity preferences) to inform your customer that the order cannot be filled.

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