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Account Settings: Audit Trail

As an admin, review historical changes made to your Method account.

Updated over a month ago

Your Method Account keeps track of the additions, modifications, and deletions that happen in your Method account.

Admin permissions is required to access the Audit Trail.

If you have administrator permissions, you can find the Audit Trail by navigating via Account SettingsAudit Trail, which is available from the Profile icon in the upper right corner. 

Audit Trail Overview

The Audit Trail page will list activity in your account, but you can filter the results using the search criteria at the top of the screen.

NOTE: The on-screen grid will only show 1000 entries in the audit trail. However, if you export the audit trail via the grid, you will be able to retrieve a maximum of 10,000 records.

You can enter one or more criteria and click Search to see the Audit Trail for your criteria.

  • From and To Date: Filter the list by a specific date range.

  • User: Filter the list to show only the entries initiated by a specific user. You can also filter by System or Method Support activity. 

  • Event: Filter the list of records by different events. The events available are:

    • Created: Any new record created or inserted

    • Updated: Any record that was updated or modified

    • Deleted: Any record that was deleted

    • Sync: Any time a sync, full sync or changes only sync was completed with QuickBooks. 
      Note: This will track records created, updated, or deleted through Method, the API, or supported integrations (e.g. Gmail Sidebar, Outlook, Import tool)

  • Table Name: Filter the list by specific table.

  • Table RecordID: Filter list by one or more Record ID.

Below the Search Criteria, you will find the entries in your audit log. 

The two other columns within the audit log are

  • Details: The data that has been created or modified. 

  • Source: Where the activity was performed. If this field is blank, then the modification was done before we started tracking the source.

    • Method: Created in Method or via the portal.

    • QuickBooks: Created in QuickBooks.

    • Import: Imported into Method.

Above the grid, you will see two icons. 

  • Column icon () - choose which columns are visible. The following columns are available:

    • Date Time

    • User

    • Table Name

    • Table RecordID

    • Details

    • Source

    • Events

    • App Name

    • Screen Name

    • IP Address 

  • Export icon () - export the data to a .csv file. This will be emailed to you once it has completed processing.

Audit Trail FAQ

Q. Where is the new Audit Trail System page?

  • Account Settings → Audit Trail

Q. How does search criteria work?

  • As part of our initial roll out, we have 6 search criteria - From Date, To Date, User, Event, Table Name, Table RecordID. You can enter one or more criteria and click Search to see the Audit Trail for your criteria.

Q. Can I search for an inactive user?

  • Yes. You can use the User dropdown to search for a specific user, all users or System generated trails. Inactive users will be available to search for a trail as well.

Q. Can I do a list search, like searching for more than one user but not All users or searching for more than one RecordID at the same time?

  • Currently we support list search on the Table RecordID field. You can search for more than one Table RecordID using commas. However, we do not support searching for more than one value in any of the dropdowns.

Q. What are Events and how do I use it to search Audit Trail?

You can use the Events dropdown to search for a specific event or All events. We currently have 4 types of events in Audit Trail. 

  • Created - Any new record created in Method, API or supported integrations (Gmail Sidebar, QuickBooks, Import tool).

  • Updated - Any record that was updated in Method, API or supported integrations.

  • Deleted - Any record that was deleted in Method, API or supported integrations.

  • Sync - Any time a sync, full sync or changes only sync was completed with QuickBooks. 

Q. Can I export Audit Trail?

  • Yes. The export icon is just above the grid. You will be sent an email when it is complete.

Q. Are all events logged to Audit Trail?

  • No. If you come across a case where a trail is not being logged, please contact support.

Q. What will happen to customers who has screens and controls based off of the old Audit Trail?

  • Nothing. We have taken measures to not impact our customers who have screens or controls based off of the old Audit Trail.

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