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View a Work Order in the Field

How to view and edit a work order in the Field Crew app

Updated over 3 months ago

Below, we'll explain the different sections and fields of the work order. When your team is out in the field, they can use the Field Crew app to view and edit work orders that were entered in using the Work Orders app by your dispatcher.

The Field Crew app is optimized to work best on a mobile device, as shown in the below image:

Below, we'll explain the different sections and fields of the work order.

Work Order Header

  1. Due Date Start

  2. Status: Status of the work order

  3. Job Name: Name of the work order

  4. Contact / Customer: Click to view the contact in the Contacts App.

  5. Call: Click to phone the customer.

  6. Map: Click to bring up the location in a map to navigate to.

  7. Notify: Click to notify the customer via SMS. Doing so will allow your customer to see the upcoming visit in their portal.

NOTE: In order for SMS to work, you need to ensure the mobile field is populated for the contact. SMS pulls from the mobile number, not the phone number.

Start Timer Details

This button will either say:

  • Start - If the user is not set up to track time, pressing this button will set the work order's status to In Progress.ย 

  • Start Timer - If the user is set up to track time, then pressing the button will create a time tracking entry for the user. The work order's status will also change to In Progress.

To complete the work order without the timer, click Mark as completed. For more information, please see our articles:

Capture Signature

While on job, you can capture a live signature from your customer to validate they received the service your team provided.

When you click Capture Signature, you will be taken to a new screen which will show:

  • the details of the work order

  • the amount owing for the work order

  • a checkbox to accept the terms and conditions of the work order

  • a clickable box to Add a signature.

Clicking Add a signature brings up a pop-up which allows the customer to either type in a name, or draw their signature.

When added, they can accept the signature.

Accepting the signature will take you back to the original screen of the work order. Attached to it will be the signature along with date and a unique ID. You can View the signed document at any time.

Work Order Details

  • Instructions: Any notes entered in by the dispatcher for the team in the field.

  • Items: A list of items added in for the work order. The field crew can also add additional items if need be. If you do not wish for the prices to be displayed, you can turn them in the Field Crew Preferences.

  • Attachments - Any attachments included for the work order.

More Details

Below the attachments field, you can expand two other sections to get further details:

  • Contact Details: Mobile Phone, and email for contact.

  • More Info: Work Order Number, Method User owner, and the created date of the work order.

  • Tags: Please see our article, Using Tags.

App Ribbons

At the bottom of every work order, all the related records to the work order will be accessible.

  • Activities: All open and closed activities associated to the work order

  • Notes: Any notes can be added to the work order and will notify the dispatcher. They in turn can respond to the note.

  • Time Entries: All time entries created for the work order.

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