WARNING: Disconnecting the payment gateway will delete any saved customer card details.
If you no longer need your payment gateway, or wish to add a different one, follow the steps below to disconnect your current payment gateway.
Click the Profile icon in the upper right and click Integrations.
On the Integrations page, click Payment Gateways. This will take you to the Payment Gateway screen.
Near the bottom of the Payment gateway screen, under Configure payment gateways, click View payment gateway configurations.
The Configure payment gateways box will pop up. Under Service Provicers, click the active payment gateway you wish to disconnect. In the below example, we are using Authorize.Net, however, this will work for any payment gateway.
You will see the status for your payment gateway, with the login ID you used to connect. Click disconnect to remove the payment gateway.
You will be asked to confirm the disconnection. Click the Disconnect button.
The payment gateway is disconnected! You can add another one, or click the β in the upper corner to close the configuration.