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Calendar Object

How to Customize Calendar Objects

Updated over 8 months ago

NOTE: At this time, the calendar object does not support Portal or Public Page use.

The Calendar object is used to display activities in a calendar view. 

This article covers:

Calendar Object Properties

When you select the calendar object, you will be able to configure its settings and events. You will also have the option to build how the calendar looks with the ✎ Calendar Builder.


  • Caption: The text used to caption the calendar. This is normally used to identify the calendar when using actions, so this is hidden to the user.

  • Hide Caption: Hide or display the caption. Checked by default.

  • Load State: The default state of the control (regular/hidden/disabled).

  • Calendar Builder: This will open a wizard to help you configure your calendar. Please see below for more information.


There are no style parameters for the calendar object. 


The Calendar has four events associated with it. Note, you will notice the word "Event" being used within the calendar but that refers to activities in the calendar. It is not the same as actions and events when customizing. 

  • Add Event: Triggered when a user selects the button on the calendar. 

  • Event Card Menu: When a user clicks an activity within the calendar, an event card menu comes up with a button menu in the lower right. This allows you edit and add buttons to this menu.

  • Drag / Move: Triggered when a user edits an activity in the calendar by dragging it on the calendar to a different time.

  • Selection: Triggered when a user clicks and drags an empty range within the calendar.

Calendar Builder

By selecting Calendar Builder, you will be taken to the setup screens where you configure how the calendar looks and what it will display. 

There are five areas you can configure when you go into the Calendar Builder of the calendar control. The different areas include:

  • Options: Base table, time displays, whether or not it can be editable

  • Display: Choose which layouts are available for the different calendar views

  • Fields: Set which fields define the parameters of the calendar

  • Filter & View: Filter the records which are shown in the calendar

  • Event Hover Card: Configure what is shown when user hovers over calendar event

These areas will be explained in detail below.


Configuring the Calendar Options allows you to set many details and defaults for the calendar.

  • Select a base table: For now, the only table you can use with the calendar object is the Activity table. You cannot select a different table.

  • Display event times (mobile): How event times look on a mobile device. Options include None, Left of event title, Right of event title, and Left of Description.

  • Day start time: Set the time when the calendar day starts. Activities ending before this time will not show on the calendar.

  • Day end time: Set the time when the calendar day ends. Activities starting after this time will not show on the calendar.

  • Can be edited: Check to allow users to create or edit events in the calendar.

  • All day appointments: Check to have all day appointments at the top of the calendar.

  • Show Settings: Currently not implemented.

  • ☑ Show Waitlist: Show the waitlist on the side of the calendar. The waitlist shows events not yet scheduled. A user can drag these events from the waitlist and slot them into available times on the calendar. This is used in apps like Field Services when scheduling work orders.

    • To waitlist status - The status of the activity after dragging it to the wait list.

    • From waitlist status - The status of the activity after dragging it onto the calendar from the waitlist.


There are multiple calendar views a user can choose. For each calendar view, there are different layouts. This Display section allows you to define what layouts are available for the user to choose. For more information on Calendar Views and Layouts, see the appropriate section in our article Activity Calendar Views

  • Default Display - Which calendar view and layout will be used by default. Views and layout options which have been unchecked will not show up in the dropdown.

  • Day and Week options - Select which layouts are available for the user

    • Standard: calendar entries for different resources will not be separated

    • Vertical: calendar entries will be separated into columns for each resource

    • Horizontal: calendar entries will be separated into rows for each resource

  • Month options - Only one option here, the standard calendar view 

  • List options - Select which layouts are available for the user

    • Weekly: show only entries for the selected week

    • Monthly: show entries for the entire month


The Fields section allows you to set the parameters for the calendar from the fields of the chosen base table. 

  • Resource: By default, all the events in the calendar will be grouped by resource. This is best left at the default of the AssignedTo field, in other words, who's activities will be shown. 

  • Default to user signed in: Set the default resource to the user signed in. Field chosen must hold Method Users (dropdown of Users table).

  • Start date & time: Set which field in the base table holds the start date for an event in the calendar. Default is DueDateStart.

  • End date & time: Set which field in the base table holds the end date for an event in the calendar. Default is DueDateEnd.

  • Event Title: This is the title shown on the event when you view the calendar. You can set it to either a field or an expression with text and/or multiple fields.

  • Event Description: This is the description shown on the hover card when you hover over an event in the calendar. You can set it to either a field or an expression with text and/or multiple fields.

  • Appointment colors: Set which field in the base table defines the color for an event in the calendar. Default is ActivityStatusColor.

  • All day appointment (optional): Set which boolean field in the base table defines an event as an all day appointment. Default is IsAllDayAppointment.

Filter & View

The Filter & View section lets you restrict which records are shown in the calendar. 

You can set up what records can be shown by using the criteria builder. See our article on The Criteria Builder to get a better idea on how to build proper conditions to filter records.

Event Hover Card

When the user hovers their mouse over an event in the calendar, a hover card appears giving more details about the event. The Event Hover Card section lets you define what details will show.

  • Start date: Show the start date for the event

  • End date: Show the end date for the event

  • Title: Show the Event Title as defined under Fields

  • Start time: Show the start time for the event

  • End time: Show the end time for the event

  • Description: Show the Event Description as defined under Fields.

  • Resource: Show the Method User who is assigned to the activity.

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