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List of Controls
25 articles
Controls: OverviewElements you can drag onto the screen to provide functionality
SectionsHow to create Sections during Customization.
Address Lookup ComponentCapture address information by looking up a database of real-world locations.
Button ObjectDifferent types of settings, styles, and actions that can be used on buttons.
Attachments ObjectHow to use Attachments in Method
Button Menu ObjectReduce the number of buttons on the screen with the button menu.
Calendar ObjectHow to Customize Calendar Objects
Chart ObjectHow to use the Chart Object to display reports in Method
Checkbox ObjectVarious Settings and actions associated with the Checkbox object.
DateTime PickerHow to use DateTime Picker and let users choose date and time information on the screens.
Dropdown ObjectHow to configure the dropdown object in Method
Editable GridsHow to configure and use the editable grid object
Gallery ObjectHow to customize the gallery object.
Grid ObjectConcept, settings and properties of the grid object
HTML Editor ObjectCustomizing the HTML Editor object in Method
Icon ObjectIcons you can display on Method Screens.
Map WidgetDisplay locations specified by Map Route option in the Mapping Functions action.
Payment Widget Object [Deprecated][DEPRECATED] Information and restrictions for customizing the payment widget.
Picture ObjectInsert a Picture on the Screen
Radio Button ObjectHow to use Radio buttons in Method
Recurrence WidgetHow to customize the recurrence widget to give users recurring activities.
Signature ComponentGive users the ability to use e-sign as a way to capture an approval for a record .
Text ObjectHow to use Text object on Screens during Customization
Text Input ObjectHow to use Text Input Objects on the Screen
Toggle ObjectHow to use the Toggle object on the screen