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Add New Users

Invite new users to log into your Method account

Updated over a week ago

Admin permission is required to add new users.

This article will walk you through the steps of adding more users who are able to sign in to your Method account. As an admin, you can set what permissions they have.

NOTE: The Contact Management Pack is a required pack for every user added. Every user you add will automatically be added to this pack. Even if you remove access permissions for all the apps in this pack, the pack will still be subscribed to.

Access New User Invite

  1. Click the upper-right Profile icon and then click Account Settings.

  2. Click Users.

  3. The list will display existing Method users. Click Invite.

This will pop up a wizard which will guide you through the four steps for inviting a new user.

Step 1: Choose account and access level

The pop up will show different permission levels to choose for your new user. Select from the following options to set permissions and click Next.

  • Admin: Full access to the platform, including the ability to change permissions and subscriptions.

  • Customizer: Customize, configure, and manage apps they have permission to access.

  • Regular: Regular access to use apps, but not to customize or manage them.

  • Similar to: Apply the same permissions as those assigned to an existing user.

The workflow for the first three are similar, however, see below for the workflow if you select Similar to.

Step 2: Add users you would like to invite

Enter in a list of emails, separated by commas, to invite to Method as users. Press enter to validate the emails and click the next button.

Step 3a: Select permissions

You can further define the permissions the invited users will receive for all the apps. Options will be enabled or disabled depending on the access level chosen in Step 1.

For more information on the different app permissions, please see the article, "User Permissions".

NOTE: This will apply the same permissions for all the apps to all invited users. However, after this invitation process, you can edit each user and set specific permissions on an individual basis.

Step 3b: Select packages

Once you select the permissions, you can select which Packs the users will have access to.

Each Pack will be grouped into different categories. Expand each category and select the Pack you want for the users.

Each Pack will show the price per user per month, a description, as well as the different Apps within the Pack.

Once selected, click Next.

Step 4: Invite teammates! 👏

The users you've invited will show, however, you still have the ability to add more if need be.

Below the invited teammates, you will see the selected packages. At any point in time, you can click the Back button, or the Edit link to make changes to your choices.

You will also see the total subscription plan for the additional users.

Once satisfied, click Send Invite. An email will be sent to each user’s email address with a link to Method’s sign-in page where they will be asked to create a password.

Alternate Step 1: Similar to

Instead of redefining permissions, you can assign your invited users the same permissions as an existing Method user by selecting Similar to.

After clicking the Next button, the second step brings up a search bar to search for an existing user to copy the access rights from:

From there, Steps 3 and 4 proceed as normal.

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