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User Permissions

Managing what access your users have in Method.

Updated over a week ago

User Permissions are used to control the access a Method user has to apps and packs, as well as administrative and customizer access.

NOTE: Changing user access permissions may impact subscription pricing.

In this article, we will cover:

NOTE: Method has other types of permissions, ones for the account, and ones for the screen. Please see our article on Permissions for a list of different permissions we have in Method.

Where to Set User Permissions

Setting user permissions can be done from different screens within Method, depending on whether you want to update permissions of all packs for a single user, or if you wish to update the permissions of a pack for all users.

NOTE: You will need Administrator permissions to access this page.


  1. From the profile icon, click Account Settings.

  2. Click Users.

  3. Select a user in the grid to edit them.

  4. Click Manage User Permissions & Subscription.

This will open the the Manage User Permissions screen where you can expand each pack to set the user permissions for each app within the pack.

NOTE: Adminstrator and full Customizer permissions can only be granted from this page.


  1. On the Method dashboard, click the Add / Remove Apps box.

  2. Select the Pack you wish to change the permissions for.

This will open the Manage Pack Permissions for the pack. You can expand each app to set the permissions for all the active Method users in your account.


  1. On the app, click the vertical ellipsis [] and then Manage.

  2. Select the Permissions.

This will open the Permissions screen for an individual app. You can select the permissions each Method user is allowed to have for that individual app.

Giving Administrator and Customizer Permission

A user who is given full Administrator permissions has full access to the Method account. The first user that signs up for Method will automatically have Admin access. To enable Admin access for others, Manage User Permissions for the user as shown above.

  • Give full Administrator permissions:

    • Add or modify other user's permissions.

    • Make changes to subscriptions that affect Method pricing.

    • Customize screens within all apps they have access to.

    • Full Customize and Manage permissions (see below).

  • Give full Customizer permissions:

    • This checkbox grants Customize permissions on all apps (see below).

User App Permissions

Every app will have the following permissions:

These permissions can be checked or unchecked.

Note there are two types of permissions here:

  • Access permissions: These grant different levels of permission to the app itself.

    • Access

    • Customize

    • Manage

  • Rights: These are customizable permissions that grant different levels of permission to the records of the app.

    • Edit

    • Create

    • Delete

    • Approve


The Access Permission will allow the user to see the app on their dashboard and use it. If the user only has the this permissions, they will not be able to go into an App's Manage menu, nor will they see the option to customize screens.

Removing access of all users from a pack will decrease your subscription price.


When a user is only granted the Customize permission (and not the Manage permission), the following settings are available:

  • Manage option in the app's contextual menu is available.

  • General app settings is available.

  • Screens app settings and all screen management is available except for the screen's Security menu which is not available.

  • Record Summary app settings is available.

  • App Ribbons app settings is available.

  • App Routines app settings is available.

  • Rights app settings is available.

  • Permissions app settings is not available.

  • Delete app settings is available.


When a user is granted the Manage permission (and not the Customize permission), the following settings are available:

  • Manage option in the app's contextual menu is available.

  • Screens app settings is available, but only a screen's Security menu is available. All other Screen Management access is unavailable.

  • App Routines app setting is available, but only for viewing. User will be unable to create new app routines and schedule them.

  • Permissions app settings is available.

Rights - A Subset of User Permissions

Every app has the option to utilize Rights, which are used to control access to records. They are shown highlighted in yellow in the image below.

There are four Rights in total, and in Method's stock apps, Rights are dependent on the app they've been defined in. Please check the related app articles for more information.

  • Edit - Allow user to make edits to a record. It is also used to grant permission to create records.
    Note: When editing a transaction, adding or deleting line items is considered an Edit permission, not a Delete permission.

  • Create - This permission is not implemented in our stock apps. Even though it is checked by default, this does not give the user to the ability to create records and should be ignored. The ability to create records in stock apps is handled by the Edit permission.

  • Delete - Allow user to delete records.

  • Approve - This permission is currently not implemented in stock apps.

Note: If you uncheck the Edit, Delete, and Approve permissions, the Method user will only be able to view a record. They will not be able to create, edit, or delete records in that app, even though the Create permission is checked by default.

In custom apps, these Rights are customizable permissions and are not initially defined or enabled. In the below image, all the Rights are unchecked:

Because they are not enabled, you cannot select the Rights when setting permissions:

Furthermore, even if you do enable Rights within your custom app, they do not intrinsically have functionality behind them.

You will need to customize your app to check for them manually by using the Check Permission Action.

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