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Method:Sidebar FAQ

Frequently asked questions for Method:Sidebar for Gmail

Updated over 6 months ago

The Method:Sidebar for Gmail gives you access to apps that allow you to manage data within your Method Account. You can access each app by selecting the app link in the sidebar.

To install the Method:Sidebar for Gmail, please see our article, Installing Method:Sidebar for Gmail.

Q: What is the Method:Sidebar for Gmail?

A: Method:Sidebar for Gmail brings your CRM into your inbox, making you and your team more efficient by eliminating double-data entry and centralizing you data. The best part? It’s FREE with your Method subscription!

When you open an email, Method:Sidebar displays the contact’s phone number, address, account balance, QuickBooks transactions, CRM activities, opportunities, cases, and documents. PLUS, it gives you the ability to add new contacts, activities, follow-ups and opportunities, that instantly sync with QuickBooks, so you can stop flipping between your email, your CRM and your QuickBooks file. 

Q: Who is this available for?

A: All Gmail users who have an active Method account can use the Method:Sidebar. Our previous Gmail Gadget required users to be on G Suite, however this is open to anyone on Gmail.

Q: Will the Method:Sidebar automatically save emails to Method?

A: Unfortunately, no. Although you can manually create an activity with the email content embedded in that activity, the Gmail Add-on architecture restricts us from automatically saving emails to Method.

Q: Can I customize the Method:Sidebar?

A: No – the add-on is configurable, but not customizable. Unlike Method, the add-on doesn't let you use custom tabs, screens, tabs, fields or actions. It needs to be used out of the box and configured.

Q: Will the Method:Sidebar work on mobile?

A: The Method:Sidebar will add support for Android Mobile.

Q: How will permissions work? I don’t want some users seeing certain information.

A: The Method:Sidebar respects permissions.

  • Respects shared user lists.

  • Respects Method:New or Method:Classic permissions

  • If you don’t have access to a tab or app

    • You will not be able to search against it

    • You will not be able to view records

Q: Does the Method:Sidebar support the classic version of Method?

A: Yes. The Method:Sidebar works with the classic version of Method. 

Q: What if I have multiple Method Company Accounts?

A: The Method:Sidebar only supports one Method account per gmail email. However, you can switch between accounts by signing out and signing into another.

Q: Does the Method:Sidebar support shared inboxes / delegated accounts?

A: No. Google does not allow add-ons to work with shared inboxes or delegated accounts at this time.

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