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Activities App Preferences

Activity app Personal and Company preferences

Updated over a year ago

The Activity Preferences screen can be accessed from your Method dashboard by clicking the vertical ellipsis [] on your Activities app and selecting Preferences.

This will bring up the preferences for the Activities app which is separated into two sections: one for the individual user logged in, and the other for account wide preferences.

My Activities

This sections sets up defaults when creating an activity for the current user logged in.

  • Do not send Emails when activities are assigned to me: If you create an activity and assign it to yourself, this checkbox will suppress the notification.

  • Activity Type: The default type when you open the New activity screen.

  • Activity Type for Calendar: The default activity type when you create an activity in the Calendar.

  • Activity Status: The default status when you open the New activity screen.

  • Default Follow-Up Type: The default type when you click “Schedule a follow-up”.

  • Default Follow-Up Status: The default status when you click “Schedule a follow-up”.

  • Default Follow-Up Days: How many days after the initial activity the default follow-up will take place.

Account-Wide preferences

Note: These preferences are only visible to users with administrative
permissions, and affect the entire Method account.

  • Email Notification Template: Email template used to notify a user when an activity is assigned to a user.

  • Follow-Up Notification Template: Email template used to notify a user a follow-up is assigned to a user.

Click Save to save these changes.

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