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Payments App Preferences

Preferences for the Payments App

Updated over 9 months ago

The Payments Preferences screen can be accessed from your dashboard by clicking on the vertical ellipsis [] on your Payments App and selecting Preferences.

The preferences menu allows you to choose the email templates sent out from the Payments App.

  • Email Outgoing Activity Type: When an email is sent to the customer via the Email button, an activity is created. The activity type is set to this dropdown.

  • Email Notification Template: Email template used when clicking the Email button on the payment, which sends an email to the customer (unless the contact is flagged to opt out of billing emails).

  • Internal Email Notification Template: Email template used for the notification email sent to the Method User assigned to the payment.

  • SMS Notification Template: This is the template used for the SMS message that can be sent out from the transaction. To see a preview of what it will look like, click the Preview button. Note: Do not change Company.CompanyName nor UrlforPortal. Those will be replaced by your company name and a link to the customer's portal.

Note: You can create custom email templates using Method's Email Templates App.

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