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Subtotal Item Type

Description of the Subtotal Item Type for QuickBooks Desktop

Updated over 9 months ago

The Subtotal Item type option allows you to create a subtotal up to that point in your line item grid. This can be helpful if you have groups of items that must be sold in sections on the same transaction.

Note: This item is available in QuickBooks Desktop only.

To add this as an item, you will need to add a new item within the Items app, and choose Subtotal. If you do not see the Items app, you will need to get access permission for this app from your administrator. The Items app is found in the Accounting Lists Pack.

When you select Subtotal, you'll be taken to the New / Edit Subtotal item screen. The fields are described below.

  • Item Name / Number: This field can be used to identify the subtotal type by name or by number.

  • Description: Include a description of the Subtotal item.

  • Available for reorders: Allow your customer to reorder this item. (Not visible unless Reorders are enabled in the Opportunities App preferences).

Note: The subtotal line item will show 0.00, until the transaction is saved. Once saved, then the subtotal will show the proper currency amount.

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