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Create a View Filter

How to create a view filter via customization in Method:CRM.

Updated over a week ago

A view filter allows a Method:CRM user to limit what is shown in a grid based on given conditions.

In the below example, Shared - Active Customers and Leads has been selected as a view filter.

This will restrict the contacts list to only only show: 

  • Customers and leads (not vendors and employees).

  • Set to active (not set to inactive).

  • Shared with you (records you have permission to see as well as your records that are assigned to you).

Since Method:CRM is customizable, you can create your own view filters. There are a number of ways to create a view filter: 

  • Use a custom view filter - every user can create and share their own view filters without needing to customize. This view filter, however, will not be available for every user unless explicitly shared.

  • Copy an existing view filter - through customization, you can copy an existing view filter and alter it. This view filter will be available for every user.

  • Create a view filter from scratch - through customization, you can create your own built-in view filter for the grid. This view filter will be available for every user.

This article will cover the last bullet: creating built-in view filters by customizing screens.

Things to Consider When Creating a View Filter

You may have noticed there are two types of filters based on the signed-in user's Account permissions:

  • My - Filter views that start with "My" only contain records the Method:CRM User is currently assigned to.

  • Shared - Filter views that start with "Shared" will show all records the Method:CRM User has permission to see. This includes records belonging to other users.

To be consistent, you should create separate view filters to accommodate the above situations.

When creating your own view filter, you can copy existing view filters, or follow the below steps which apply to your situation.

Where to Add a New View Filter

In this section, we will use the Contacts List as the instructional example. To add a new view filter:

1. Navigate to the Contacts List screen.

2. At the top of the Contact List screen, click the symbol by the Contacts title and select Customize Screen.

3. Click the triangle ( ▼ ) on the ContactsGrid to open its contextual menu, and then select Views.

4. Click Add another view.

This will allow you to create a new view filter. 

Create "My" View Filter for Sales Reps

The "My" view filter CAN ONLY filter on the Sales Rep if:

  • The Accounting Software is QuickBooks Desktop.

  • The grid being filtered is one of the following: Contacts or Transactions (Estimate, Sales Orders, Invoices, etc.) 

To add a new "My" view filter:

1. Add a new view.

2. View Name - give the view a name that starts with "My - ".

3. Sort by - Choose a sorting method and add more if appropriate.

4. Click Add a condition under Selection Criteria.

5. For this condition:

  • Select "SalesRep" for the first field.

  • Select "User - Sales Rep Initial" for the last field.

At this moment, this view filter has been configured to show only the records that have been assigned to the Sales Rep associated with the logged-in Method:CRM User.

You can now add other conditions to this Selection Criteria by clicking "Add Another condition".

For more information on how to compose your own criteria for filtering, please refer to the Criteria Builder

Create "Shared" View Filter for Sales Reps

The "Shared" view filter CAN ONLY filter on the Sales Rep if:

  • The Accounting Software is QuickBooks Desktop.

  • The grid being filtered is one of the following: Contacts or Transactions (Estimate, Sales Orders, Invoices, etc.). 

To add a new "Shared" view filter:

1. Add a new view.

2. View Name - give the view a name that starts with "Shared - ". 

3. Sort by - Choose a sorting method and add more if appropriate.

4. Click Add a condition under Selection Criteria.

5. For this condition:

i. Select "SalesRepRecordID" for the first field.
ii. Select "In List" for the second field.
iii. Select "Shared users - listed by Sales Rep Record ID" for the last field.

At this moment, this view filter has been configured to show all records that have been shared to the Sales Rep associated with the logged-in Method:CRM User.

You can now add other conditions to this Selection Criteria by clicking "Add Another condition".

For more information on how to compose your own criteria for filtering, please refer to the Criteria Builder

Create "My" View Filter for Assigned To

Records can be assigned to a Method:CRM user and you can filter grids to only show those records. To add a new "My" view filter:

1. Add a new view.

2. View Name - give the view a name that starts with "My - ".

3. Sort by - Choose a sorting method and add more if appropriate.

4. Click Add a condition under Selection Criteria.

5. For this condition:

i. Select "AssignedToRecordID" for the first field.
ii. Select "User - Record ID" for the last field.

At this moment, this view filter has been configured to show only the records that have been assigned to the the logged-in Method:CRM User.

You can now add other conditions to this Selection Criteria by clicking "Add Another condition".

For more information on how to compose your own criteria for filtering, please refer to the Criteria Builder

Create "Shared" View Filter for Assigned To

The "Shared" view filter will show all records shared to the signed-in Method:CRM user.

To add a new "Shared" view filter:

1. Add a new view.

2. View Name - give the view a name that starts with "Shared - ".

3. Sort by - Choose a sorting method and add more if appropriate.

4. Click Add a condition under Selection Criteria.

5. For this condition:

i. Select "AssignedToRecordID" for the first field.
ii. Select "In List" for the second field.
iii. Select "Shared users - listed by User Record ID" for the last field.

At this moment, this view filter has been configured to show all records that have been shared to the logged-in Method:CRM User.

You can now add other conditions to this Selection Criteria by clicking "Add Another condition".

For more information on how to compose your own criteria for filtering, please refer to the Criteria Builder

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