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View and Edit a Proposal

Managing your proposal after it's sent.

Updated over a week ago

A proposal will display different information depending on its status.

Proposal - Sent

A proposal is automatically set to a status of Sent when you send the proposal.

  1. Proposal Status

  2. Sent Status Analytics

    • Sent date: Date it was sent.

    • Proposal views: Number of times the proposal was viewed on the customer portal.

    • Last viewed on: The most recent date the proposal was viewed.

    • Offer expiry date: If an expiry was set, the offer is automatically rejected on this date. This date can be edited or cleared to extend the offer.

      • Send reminder: Send an email reminder to your client.

  3. Proposal Information

    • Since Method User set in Assigned To may change over length of the proposal, you can update this at any time during the proposal.

  4. App Ribbons: This will show the interactions, invoices, and payments associated with the proposal.

Proposal - Active / Rejected / Completed

After being sent, a proposal will have other statuses.

  1. Status: Dependent on the stage of the proposal.

    • Sent: Automatically set when you send the proposal (see above).

    • Active Engagement: Automatically set if the customer accepts the proposal. Can be manually set.

    • Completed: Set when the proposal is completed.

    • Rejected: Set when the proposal is rejected.

  2. Proposal Information: Information specific to this proposal.

  3. App Ribbons: This will show the interactions, invoices, and payments associated with the proposal.

Customer Information

Scrolling down, you will also find information on the customer.

Similar to above, the Contact may change over length of the proposal, so you can update this at any time during the proposal. (You cannot, however, change the Customer. For more information on the difference between contacts and customers, see our article "What is a Contact?"

Payment Information

Under Payment Information, you will see your payment information.

  • Auto Payment: This checkbox will automatically charge the customer for each invoice generated, in other words, this is for recurring payments. In order for this option to show:

    • The Customer's payment information must be saved. This can be captured from payment on acceptance or from a previous proposal. You can set up Payment Required to Accept in the Proposal App's Preferences.

Changing the payment method for the customer requires two things:

  • Auto Payment must be checked

  • Proposal must have its status set to Active Engagement.

Clicking the โœŽ Edit button will reveal a dropdown where you can select between different payment methods:

To add additional payment methods, click Add new payment method. This will warn you that Adding a new payment method will require pre-authorization, resulting in a temporary $1 hold on the card until pre-authorization is complete.

After you click OK, you will be presented with the screen to enter in your customer's payment details.

NOTE: The customer can also self-serve by completing this process in their customer portal. Normally, this would be initiated when the customer receives an email their payment details are expired.

Make sure Payment Method Expiring Email is enabled in the Proposal Preferences under Customer Emails to ensure the customer receives this email.

Proposal Buttons

At the bottom of the proposals screen are buttons to manage your proposals.

  • More Actions : There are four of actions available under this button. Some of these options will only appear depending on the status of the proposal.

    • Take Payment: If there is an invoice associated with this proposal, you can take a payment for it.

    • View Acceptanced Agreement: View the engagement letter generated from the proposal in a PDF file.

    • Duplicate: Copy the existing proposal to a draft

      • Dates of proposal will update to the current date, but the length of the proposal will stay the same.

      • The Engagement Letter will reset to the template selected (no previous customizations carry over)

    • Edit Proposal: If you have not sent the proposal, you can still edit it. However, a proposal cannot be edited after it has been sent. If the proposal has been sent, you will be prompted to reject the current proposal and create a duplicate draft.

  • Change Status : As mentioned before, there are four states a proposal can be in. The proposal can be manually set to the following:

    • Active Engagement

    • Completed

    • Rejected

  • Resend Proposal: Re-send the proposal to the customer.

  • Save : Save changes to the proposal.

    • Save & Back: Save changes and go back a screen.

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