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App Routines - Testing and Publishing

Once created, test and publish your App Routine.

Updated over a year ago

Even though an App Routine is created, it isn't available to use until it is published. However, you can, and should, test it. 

In this article, we will use the example App Routine createded in the "App Routines - Create" article. 

Test and Publish the App Routine

Make sure you have opened your newly created app routine. At the bottom of your app routine screen, you will find a More Actions button with four options:

  • Test App Routine: Go to a separate page where you can see if your app routine works.

  • Copy App Routine: Create a copy of your app routine. If the app routine is published, the new copy will be in draft. 

  • Publish Draft: If the current app routine is in draft, you can publish it to be available to use. 

  • See All Revisions: Once an app routine is published, it cannot be edited. You can, however, create a second draft (different from a copy), that will show up under revisions. This will be further covered below.

Let's test the app routine in our scenario. First, select the revision you wish to test. After that, you place the input you want the App Routine to process. When you click the Test App Routine button, you will see the output. 

In our example app routine, you can see from above it works perfectly! We can now go back and click the Publish Draft option:

...and the app routine screen changes to reflect it's published state.

Note that by editing either the input or the output, you will create a new copy of your App Routine. This copy will not show up under "All Revisions", because you cannot change the number of input or outputs once you publish an app routine.

Use your App Routine in your App

Once your App Routine is created, tested, and published, you can finally use it when customizing a screen with the Call Routine action.

If you recall the scenario, we wanted to convert text entered in a contact form. Imagine there are two action results created for this screen:

  • resultInput: A defined action result to hold the input of the user.

  • resultOutput: A defined action result to store the output for display.

In our example, the Call Routine action is set up as shown:

  • Select a Routine: The routine we created is selected.

  • Action Result Inputs: For the input, we are using the previously defined action result.

  • Wait for routine to complete: Since the app routine has an output, we have specified to wait for the routine to complete.

  • Action Result Outputs: The action routine output, arOutput1, will be placed in our action result resultOutput.

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