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Check Permission Action

An action to check a user's permissions and rights for a given app.

Updated over 6 months ago

The Check Permission action is used to check the permissions and rights for a user trying to access a given app. For more information on how permissions work, please see our article User Permissions.



Select an app

The app to check the permission against. Permissions are granted on a per app, per user basis.

Select a permission

Once an app is selected, the following permission and rights can be checked:

  • Access

  • Edit - Must be enabled for app.

  • Create - Must be enabled for app.

  • Deleted - Must be enabled for app.

  • Approve - Must be enabled for app.

User Record ID

The Record ID of the Method user who's permission you are checking. This will default to the session value User - Record ID.

What would you like to do with the result of the permission check?

Store the result of the permission check:
​​Store a Yes/No value of True or False in an action or shared result.

Show a "Denial" message if the permission check fails: Show a custom message if the the user doesn't have permission.

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