Projects in QuickBooks Online will sync to Method as sub-customers, however, the reverse is not possible: sub-customers do not sync directly with projects but QuickBook Online does have a process to convert a sub-customer to a project, which you can view on QuickBooks Help Center.
In this article, we will walk you through those steps. Note, all of these steps are to be done in QuickBooks itself, not in Method.
NOTE: Projects is only available in QuickBooks Online Plus, Advanced, and Accountant.
Step 1: Turn on Projects
By default, Projects is already turned on in QuickBooks Online Plus and Advanced. It is not turned on for Quickbooks Online Accountant.
You can enable Projects by navigating to:
Settings → Company settings → Advanced → Projects
Edit Use Project financial tracking and enable it.
For more information, refer to Set up and create projects in QuickBooks Online.
Step 2: Review sub-customer and parent
Before converting a sub-customer, edit your sub-customer and make sure:
Sub-customer is active.
Is a sub-customer checkbox is checked.
A Parent customer is selected.
Bill parent customer checkbox is checked.
Furthermore, make sure:
Parent customer is not a sub-customer.
The sub-customer does not have sub-customers.
Step 3: Convert a sub-customer to a project
You can either:
Create a new project from a sub-customer. (Not available for Quickbooks Accountant).
Merge the sub-customer with an existing project.
Create a new project from a sub-customer
This process is not available for those using QuickBooks Accountant. It is only available for users of QuickBooks Online Plus or Advanced.
NOTE: Your sub-customer's existing transactions will not transfer over.
If you wish to keep your existing transactions, it is recommended to merge the sub-customer with an existing project (see below).
There are two ways to create a new project from a sub-customer:
Go to Sales → Customers:
Look for the Do you organize sub-customers as projects? message and select the Convert now link.
Go to Projects:
Click the New project ▼ dropdown and select Convert from sub-customer.
This creates a brand new project. Remember, transactions will not transfer over.
Merge a sub-customer with an existing project
This transfers your existing sub-customer transactions to an existing project.
Go to Projects and copy the exact name of the existing project.
Go to Sales → Customers and select your sub-customer's profile.
Edit the sub-customer and change the Customer display name to match the project name exactly.
When you're ready, select Save and Yes to confirm the merge.