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Values From Session

Retrieving the Value from the session, where a session represent s the active use of screens.

Updated over 10 months ago

A session is the period of time when a user is actively logged in and using Method.

This includes Method guest pages (portals) and public pages, where a session represents the active use of those screens.

During the session, data is stored about the user currently logged in, and you can use this data when you are customizing. 

For example, you can find the current date and time, and put that into an Action Result.

The following is a list of data available for use from the user's active session:

Session Value


Account - Has Payments Setup

Whether or not the account has payment gateway set up.

Account Name

The Method account name.

Accounting Software

QuickBooks edition synced with the Method account.

  • QuickBooks Online

  • QuickBooks Desktop

Browser Window Size

Returns one of the following:

  • Desktop Wide

  • Tablet Portrait

  • Mobile Landscape

Company - Email Provider

Shows the current email provider.

Company - Method Email Pricing Tier

The email pricing tier your Method account is on.

  • Free

  • Paid

  • Verified Trial - Method is a trial account, but Xero / QuickBooks is not a trial.

  • Trial - Both Method and the accounting software are trial accounts.

Company - Method Free Email Allowance

The account’s monthly remaining number of free email.

Company - Method Free SMS Allowance

The account’s monthly remaining number of free SMS.

Company - Method Remaining Emails

If you are using Method's email server, you are allowed to send up to 5000 email recipients per month. This shows the remaining email recipients.

Company - Method Remaining SMS

The monthly remaining number of SMS allowed for your Method account.

Company - Method SMS Enabled

Whether or not SMS has been enabled for your Method account.

Company - Method SMS Pricing Tier

The SMS pricing tier your Method account is on.

  • Free

  • Paid

  • Trial

Company Account Currency

Only applicable for QuickBooks Online accounts with multi-currency enabled. Returns currency code for your company.

Current Date / Time

Returns current date and time from the device the session is active on.

Email Gadget - Contact Record ID

Only applicable within a screen inside the email gadget. This returns the Record ID of the contact who's email you are viewing.

Email Gadget - Entity Record ID

Only applicable within a screen inside the email gadget. This returns the Record ID of the Entity of the contact who's email you are viewing.

Guest - Contact Record ID

Everyone who accesses your guest page will also be a contact found in your account. This returns the record ID of that contact.

Guest - Entity Full Name

Everyone who accesses your guest page will also be a contact found in your account. This returns the the full name of the Entity (Lead, Customer, Vendor, Employee or OtherName) the contact is linked to.

Guest - Entity Record ID

Everyone who accesses your guest page will also be a contact found in your account. This returns the the record ID of the Entity (Lead, Customer, Vendor, Employee or OtherName) the contact is linked to.

Master Admin User Record ID

Returns a value of '1' which represents the record ID of the Method account's primary admin.

Method Identity Email

Returns the sign in email (found in the user's profile section) for the current Method user viewing the screen.

Method Identity Name

Returns the user's first and last name (found in the user's profile section) for the current Method user.

MultiTenancy - Current Tenant

Only visible in multi-tenant accounts. This is the current TenantID the user is currently signed into.

MultiTenancy - Permitted Tenants

Only visible in multi-tenant accounts. The user's "Permitted Tenant List", a comma separated list of the TenantIDs this user has been given access to.

QuickBooks Sync Region

Only applicable for QuickBooks Online accounts with multi-currency enabled. This identifies the region QuickBooks is using. This is useful for displaying proper information to your users regarding currency. For example, US customers would use the terminology "tax" while customers in the UK would use the terminology "VAT". Screens can change their display based on the sync region.

Screen Active Record ID

If applicable, returns the screen's active record ID. Returns a value of '-1' if there is no active record being displayed.

Shared users - listed by Entity Record ID

A list of users, listed by their Entity Record IDs, who have given you access permission to their records.

Shared users - listed by Sales Rep Record ID

A list of users, listed by their Sales Rep Record IDs, who have given you access permission to their records.

Shared users - listed by User Record ID

A list of users, listed by their User Record IDs, who have given you access permission to their records.

User - Email Signature

Returns the current Method user's email signature (found in the user's profile section).

User - Has Admin Permissions

Returns "True" if current Method user has administrative permissions.

User - IP Address

Returns the IP Address for the current Method user.

User - Record ID

Returns the current Method user's record ID (found in the Users table). Note: guest and public pages do not have a Method user.

User - Sales Rep Initial

Returns the related sales rep initials (from QuickBooks Desktop) if the Method user is linked to a QuickBooks Desktop Entity. No results will be returned for accounts syncing with QuickBooks Online.

User - Type

Returns the type of user from the session.

  • User

  • Guest

  • Public

User - UserName

Returns the user's Method user name. If the session is from a public page it will return "Anonymous".

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