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Text Object

How to use Text object on Screens during Customization

Updated over a week ago

A text object, unlike the text input object, is designed to display text on the screen. It can also be used as a clickable link if you add actions to its click event.

Accessing value of a Text object

The text object will hold whatever value it is set to. This value can be altered by using the Update Controls on Screen action.

When an action requires you to 'Assign a value', you can use the value set in the text object.


The below image shows an Assign Value to Action Result action. It will assign the value stored in the text object called "TextObject".

Text Object Properties

When you select the text object, you will be able to set its settings, display format, style, and events.


  • Text: Set the text to display on screen. Also used to uniquely identify the object within actions. HTML tags will be rendered as HTML.

  • Load State: The initial state when the screen loads.

  • Font Type: This specifies the type of font used for the text object. Currently there are two types:

    • Paragraph: Normal text.

    • Title: Larger text used for titles.

  • Format as link: Make the text a link, and then you can format in a number of ways based on link: a phone number, or an email, or web address!

  • Text stays on one line: Text stays on one line as opposed to wrapping to the next line if it’s too long. Careful – this means it could go right off the screen.

  • Show Icon: Allows you to add an icon to the text object by choosing from the Method list. This also opens an option to choose the icon alignment (left or right).

  • Width: How wide should your control be in relation to its container?  Auto means it’ll be the width of the text or icon, Fixed lets you assign a width in pixels, and Full will make it the full width of the section or cell it has been dragged into.

Display Format

A text object can be a normal word, or a number, or a date. Using Format as, you can set how the text will display

  • None: No format

  • Number: Display as a number. If chosen, you can also select decimal rounding and thousands separator.

  • Short Date: If a date and time, display date as "MMM-DD-YYYY".

  • Short Date and Time: If a date and time display short date with time.

  • Long Date: If a date and time, display date with "Day, Month DD, YYYY"

  • Long Date and Time: If a date and time, display long date with time.

  • Time: If a date and time, format to display time.

  • Hour: If a time, show just the hour of the time.

  • Day: If a date, the day of the date.

  • Day of Week: If a date, show only the day of the week. 

  • Month: If a date, show only the month.

  • Month and Year: If a date, show only month and year.

  • Year: If a date, show only year.


  • Text size/colors: Determine the size and color of your text from the Method palette.

  • Icon colors: If you have an icon in your text object, choose its color here.

  • Text align: Choose from regular, left, center, right, and justified alignments.

  • Caption Font weight: Choose how thick the caption text appears.

  • Border size/color/style: Change the size, color and style of your border.

    Actions / Events

  • Click event: The click event triggers if the text object is clicked.

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