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Mission 3 - 2: Back Navigation
Updated over a week ago

In the previous mission, we updated the Contacts dropdown to properly show a contact's name and type. 

Now, we will fix the < Back link on our New Car screen because it doesn't do anything at the moment. If you are currently not in the New Cars screen, go to it and customize it.

Updating the Back Link

1. In the secNav section, click the down arrow ( ▼ ) on the Back text object, and choose Click event and this will bring up the Action Editor.

2. On the right panel, you will find every action available in Method (see List of Actions for details).

3. In the search bar under Add a new action, search for the Go To Screen action.

4. Select the Go To Screen action and it will get added to the Action Set. The right panel allows you to configure the action.

5. In the right panel, for Navigate to dropdown, select “Back (Browser history)” which will tell Method to send the user back to the last screen in their browser history.

6. After Navigation refers to what happens after Method redirects you to another screen. We’ll choose “Close This Screen” because we don’t want to accidentally add the same car a second time.

7. Internal Notes will show up on your action set. This will remind you what the action is doing, especially if the action name isn't descriptive. Add the note “Go browser back” so you and others know what screen Go To Screen refers to!

Notes: It is in your best interest to always enter in Internal Notes. It is easier to find an error if you have proper internal comments.

8. Close the Action editor in the upper right hand corner.

9. Select Close to exit design mode of the screen.

You’ve successfully added your first action to a button! Now the back link will work, so test it out.

Coming up next...

Ok, now that you have had your first taste of events and actions, we're going to get the Save button working.

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