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Icon Object

Icons you can display on Method Screens.

Updated over a week ago

An icon object is a predefined symbol you can insert into your screen. Below are three example icons defined in Method: Save, Adjust, and Walk Dog.

Icon Object Properties

When you select the Icon object, you can configure its settings, styles, and events.


  • Caption: The name for your object. Used for display on screen and to uniquely identify the object within actions.

  • Hide Caption: If you’re just labeling your control for your own information but don’t want the text to show in the live screen, check this box.

  • Load State: The initial state when the screen loads.

  • Icon: Choose the icon you wish to have displayed.

  • Rotation: An icon can be rotated and flipped; choose from the following:

    • Normal

    • Rotate 90

    • Rotate 180

    • Rotate 270

    • Flip Horizontal

    • Flip Vertical


  • Icon color: Change the color of your icon by choosing from the Method palette.

  • Icon size: Size your icon from regular to 6x-Large.

    • Regular

    • 6X-large

    • 5X-Large

    • 4X-Large

    • 3X-Large

    • 2X-Large

    • X-Large

    • Large

    • Normal

  • Caption color/size/text align: Choose the color, size, and alignment of the text in your caption.

Actions / Events

  • Click event: The click event triggers if the icon object is clicked.

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